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Manufacturing Our Future Summit 2003: An Economic Summit

October 20, 2023
Hosted at the Worcester Centrum Centre


Manufacturing Our Future: An Economic Summit promotes industry, university and government based research collaboration. The medical device technology industry has been an under-recognized mainstay of the Massachusetts economy, and it is still rapidly growing. As a high technology, health-oriented industry, it touches every sector of the economy, from education and research, to capital markets, to healthcare delivery, to manufacturing. The powerful synergy created by academia, industry, and government working together to create the medical technologies of the 21 st century, and drive economic growth in Central Massachusetts will be discussed at the Summit by experts from each those respective communities.

Welcome and Overview
Paul Kennedy, President Kennedy Die Castings, Inc.

Creating New Jobs in Massachusetts
The Honorable Mitt Romney, Governor of Massachusetts

How Will Central Massachusetts Compete in a Knowledge Economy
The Honorable James McGovern – Member of Congress, 3 rd Congressional District

The Medical Technology Industry: The Merging of Technical Innovation and Manufacturing
Tom Sommer, President MassMEDIC

The Government, University, Industry Partnership: Creating New Ways to Move from Science to Application
Sean O’Keefe, Administrator, NASA (Invited)

Question and Answer Session


Regional Socio-Political Forces Affecting New Industrial Growth
Representative Vincent Pedone

Creating New Technologies from Academic Research
Ann Hammersla, Ph.D., President-elect Association of University Technology Management, Senior Counsel for Intellectual Property and Director, Office of Intellectual Property Counsel

The University as a Driver of Regional Economic Development
Michael Wacholder, Ph.D., Director, Rensselaer Technology Park

Regional Socio-Political Forces Affecting New Industrial Growth
Representative Vincent Pedone

Putting it All Together: A Roadmap for Success
Timothy R. Gerrity, Ph.D., Director, WPI Bioengineering Institute

Question and Answer Session


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