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Manufacturing Our Future Summit 1999: An Economic Summit

October 6, 2023
Hosted at the Worcester Centrum Centre

Sponsors: Massachusetts Electric Company
Worcester Telegram and Gazette
Worcester Business Development Corporation
Fleet Bank
Providence and Worcester Railroad
Sybil and Russell Fuller Foundation

Manufacturing Our Future Summit 1999
Outcome Papers

Industry Cluster Report sponsored by Worcester Business Development Corporation
Virtual Incubator Report sponsored by Massachusetts Electric, a NEES Company
Technology Transfer Services sponsored by Massachusetts MEP

The following is a letter sent to Jack Healy, Director of the Manufacturing Advancement Center, from Congressman James P. McGovern in support of the Manufacturing Our Future Summit and the Manufacturing Advancement Center.

Dear Jack:

I would like to thank the Manufacturing Advancement Center for its hard work in organizing the Manufacturing Our Future Economic Summit. I strongly support these efforts. The City of Worcester was shaped by its manufacturing heritage. Through leadership provided by groups like the Manufacturing Advancement Center, and collaboration between government, business, academic, neighborhood and nonprofit sectors, we can make sure that manufacturing remains a part of Worcester’s future.

Events like the Manufacturing Our Future summit are important because they create synapses, facilitate communication, and promote industry cluster growth. Communication leads to consensus building and ultimately economic growth. Cities with active and vocal economic development communities will always prosper.

I would like to commend the Manufacturing Advancement Center for focusing attention on the issue of cleaning up contaminated and abandoned industrial "brownfield" sites. Worcester’s landscape bears not only the hallmark of our industrial triumphs, but also the sins of our past. There are over 200 brownfield sites in Worcester. While other communities are running out of industrial space, Worcester has much of its industrial land tied up in brownfields.

In the last few months, Senator Kennedy, Senator Kerry and I have been working with the City on an initiative to revitalize the South Worcester area. The Main South Revitalization Initiative is a comprehensive multi-million dollar neighborhood revitalization project targeting a severely blighted part of the City. The Initiative is divided into two parts: 1) The Gardner-Kilby-Hammond (GKH) Street project; and the South Worcester Industrial Park project. Key components of the Initiative include:

Gardner-Kilby-Hammond Street

  • reclamation and remediation of severely blighted 30 acre parcel
  • The renovation and construction 100 units of affordable housing
  • A $5 million state-of-the-art Boys & Girls Club
  • An outdoor recreational complex and athletic facility that will be constructed and maintained by Clark University
  • A Center for Neighborhood Revitalization built and operated by Main South CDC

South Worcester Industrial Park

  • The reclamation and remediation of a 25 acre contaminated industrial park and freight railhead
  • The creation of 1700 new jobs, many of which will be taken by residents in the immediate area
  • A neighborhood workforce development institute
  • a manufacturing & business incubator

I believe that the Main South Revitalization Initiative could serve as a model of government, educational, industrial and community communication and collaboration. In the last few months, I have attended several meetings with the City, Clark University, Main South CDC, the Boys & Girls Clubs, Chamber of Commerce representatives and neighborhood residents to discuss this project. Senator Kennedy, Senator Kerry and I have been working with the City to obtain federal financing for this project. Further, I am attempting to facilitate communication between the City and the federal government by setting up a meeting for the City and neighborhood leaders to brief White House Office of Cabinet
Affairs about this project.

My experience with the Main South Revitalization Initiative is showing me that communication and consensus building are vital to the economic development process. Project cannot move forward without the political will to move them

Once again, thank you for all your hard work on behalf of Worcester’s manufacturing community. I am sure this year’s Manufacturing Our Future Summit will be a success. Keep up the good work.

James P. McGovern
Member of Congress

The following is the Training Report as seen in the Manufacturing Our Future Summit 1999 Outcomes Book.

In September of 1997, the Massachusetts Manufacturing Partnership of Central Massachusetts, currently the Manufacturing Advancement Center (MAC), in conjunction with Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) and Congressman James McGovern, convened in Worcester an economic summit – the goal of which was to lay out a blueprint for regional economic success based on establishing goals to stimulate the manufacturing industries. For four months prior to the event, representatives from local manufacturing companies, private, public and civic organizations all met in focus groups to discuss those areas critical to manufacturing success. Each of 5 groups produced white papers which were distributed at the summit. One of the most important of these groups was the Workforce Education Training group led by Dr. Stephen Willand of the Central Massachusetts Regional Employment Board and John Schafer, Plant Manager of Kennedy Die Casting, Inc. of Worcester. Needs around adult basic education of the incumbent workforce were clearly identified.

Some concerns which were brought forward by the focus group included:

  • "A tightening labor market; the number of underemployed or unemployable is increasing."

  • "As technology becomes more footloose and instantaneously available worldwide, the skills of employees become the employer’s competitive edge."
  • "Four in ten Massachusetts employers are contemplating or are now implementing major company changes and virtually all of these companies express at least some concern about the ability of their workforce to adjust to these changes. Eight percent of these companies note that they had cancelled or postpones expansion or product changes, or had moved work out of state because of inadequacies in the Massachusetts workforce."

  • "Reading, writing and math deficiencies have been the first to surface in the workplace; but, increasingly, skills such as listening, negotiation and knowing how to learn are being seen as essentials." . "Half of all new area residents between 1980 – 1990 were of minority races or ethnicity. Many of these residents are originally from foreign countries."

Over the next few months a program was put together to address those concerns and in December the Manufacturing Academy and the Basic Skills Program was implemented. This series of courses were the fundamental skills needed by any person working in a manufacturing environment, as identified by the local manufacturing community.

In February 1998 the Manufacturing Advancement Center adopted The National Coalition for Advanced Manufacturing (NACFAM) National Skill Standards for Advanced High Performance Manufacturing. Between 1993 and 1997, the U. S. Department of Education commissioned The National Coalition For Advanced Manufacturing to determine and validate occupational skill standards for workers in advanced high-performance manufacturing. This project is part of a joint effort between the Departments of Education and Labor to establish voluntary national occupational skill standards in concert with School to Work and Goals 2000. These skill standards cover the following topics:

  • Communication and Teamwork Manufacturing Fundamentals B
  • Math and Measurement Business Planning and Operation
  • Workplace Safety and Health Computer Use
  • Problem Solving Process Control and Improvement
  • Quality Assurance Workforce Issues
  • Blueprint Reading Workforce Skills
  • Learning Skills

The NACFAM Skill Standards validated the input for local manufacturers, and the MAC knew we had addressed the proper major topic with these courses.

In today’s manufacturing environment, as it was in 1997, a well-trained workforce is not only essential, but also critical to the continued success of an organization. There are numerous training providers from the public and private sectors that can deliver off-the-shelf packages that cover a multitude of topics ranging from basic math to technical skills. However, for many small to medium manufacturers this type of investment can be costly and may not focus on the specific detail subject matter that they find lacking in their individual workforces.

The Manufacturing Advancement Center offers customized training of the basic skills requirements for manufacturing at an affordable cost. The MAC has tailored courses for local manufacturers that identify and amplify those skills deficient within their respective incumbent employees population. In fact, we are currently in a program that started in July and will continue through March of 2000 with PMI in Hopedale, MA that covers the complete range of these skills. Twice a week for two hours they attend courses that include:

Introduction to Manufacturing: Deals with how manufacturing businesses work, what makes a successful business, and how businesses stay successful.

Manufacturing Terminology: Presents key words used in manufacturing, including the latest jargon. Explanation of the tactical departments in manufacturing and their roles.

Vestibule Skills: Discussions in proper dress, personal hygiene, interviewing skills, attitude, initiative, punctuality, and accountability.

Communication Skills: Course includes reading, writing, presentation skills, listening skills, as they relate to manufacturing.

Shop Math: Reviews basic math functions, as well as higher level mathematics concepts required in the survival in the workplace.

Teaming Concepts: Provides an insight into working as a team member, including an overview of group problem solving methodology.

Problem Solving: Course will provide an introduction to several tools and techniques to aid in practical problem solving.

Measurement and Quality: Explores the use of various inspection tools, equipment and fixtures, and provides an introduction to Statistical Process Control and ISO 9000.

Manufacturing Documentation: Course explains the who, where, what, why, and when of the paperwork requirements in manufacturing.

Basic Shop Drawing: Deals with the basic dimensions and tolerances, drafting concepts and blueprint reading.

Plant Safety and Industrial Hygiene: A preliminary review of safety and industrial hygiene issues that the employee will be exposed to in a manufacturing environment.

Computer: Hands-on demonstration of the use of computers in manufacturing, including individual course in Microsoft Office components.

We have also developed additional courses in:

Electrical Assembly Print Reading

Each course, prior to being given, is reviewed for course composition and modified to the customers’ requirements. We present the complete course content to the company for their input as to how they would like it revised to address their needs and to accommodate their particular product line, internal systems, and business structure. At this point they may either introduce new or related topics within the major subject areas, modify the emphasis in certain topic areas, or leave the presentation intact.

Each major topic area, depending on the client, can be as brief as two hours, as in the case of Manufacturing Terminology, or as long as twenty-four hours, such as Communications Skills. The cost is $65 per lecture hour plus an additional $10 per lecture hour for supplementary course development, if required. So a two hour course, modified to fit a particular customer would cost $150 to present. If minimal or no modifications are required then the cost would be $130. Travel and accommodations are not included in this price.

Class sizes should be no more than 15 – 20 with a minimum of 5. The actual time the presentations take place are dependent on the customer’s needs.

We can also create courses on your subject content. The MAC will develop curriculums to fit your individual needs. Along with strong affiliations with such institutions and organizations as Quinsigamond Community College and A. I. M., Associated Industries of Massachusetts, the MAC can offer a wide variety of technical and higher level courses. This allows the Manufacturing Advancement Center to be a full service organization for all of your training needs. Bring us your training requirements from ESL to Basic Skills to Management Courses to Certification Programs, and we will find the appropriate provider for you.

Any or all of these programs plus more can be available to you by contacting:

Tel: (508) 831-7020
Fax: (508) 831-7215

The following is the Industry Cluster Report as seen in the Manufacturing Our Future Summit 1999 Outcomes Book.


The Manufacturing Advancement Center (MAC) is a private, not-for-profit, 501 (c) 3 corporation founded to increase the competitiveness of local small manufacturers. The MAC provides three basic services to manufacturers; (1) The administration and operation of industry clusters; (2) The design, development, and implementation of workforce training programs and; (3) The incubation and nurturing early start up enterprises.

There are 1200 manufacturers in Central Massachusetts, representing 24% of the area’s private industry payroll. Central Massachusetts is part of the Boston-Brockton-Worcester Metropolitan Service Area, which is this nation’s 3 rd largest manufacturing labor pool – larger than even Detroit. When economic multiplier factors are taken into account, fully 50% of the region’s payroll is dependent on the success of its manufacturing sector. Currently, many of these companies are still experiencing layoffs despite a positive economic climate in other sectors of the economy and other regions of the state. Unemployment in this area’s manufacturers runs a full third higher than the state average.

Manufacturers in Central Massachusetts are small, they do business in an environment that is naturally high-cost and they are experiencing continual erosion of their market base from outside competition. The goal of the Manufacturing Advancement Center’s cluster development services is to help these manufacturers become more competitive by providing access to the certain economic advantages associated with the benefits of collaboration which heretofore have been only available to much larger companies. The role of the MAC is to help local companies by facilitating relationships and linking groups of firms to avail themselves of services.

An industry cluster is a system of market and non-market links between geographically concentrated companies and institutions. The links enable cooperation among suppliers and competitors on business processes, purchases, investments, strategies and technical research. Large companies can act as mentors; offering smaller companies their global marketing expertise and brand recognition. Participating companies are also finding that supply chain innovations that occur in clusters would probably not develop among companies cooperating over greater distances. For example, networking occurs during meetings of the cluster. The networking has led to a spirit of cooperation among competitors where one competitor often gives work to another that more closely can meet the specific needs of the customer. Networking has also led to the sharing of business practices such as lean manufacturing techniques. Industrial clustering in Central Massachusetts is a growing trend, which has benefited many small manufacturers. The region’s great concentration of complimentary and competitor firms has led to an unprecedented level of cooperation where all have come out winners.

The Clusters…….

The purpose of the MAC Industry Cluster program is three-fold:

  1. To bring people together to solve mutual problems
  2. To provide knowledge of resources within the community and in other companies and to allow the formation of mentoring relationships
  3. To organize a collective voice for the manufacturing community

The MAC is currently working with three clusters and developing more. The three are the Central Massachusetts Environmental and Business Cluster, the Massachusetts Digital Printing Initiative and the Manufacturing Technologies Collaborative. These clusters consist of 77 companies and 15, 333 employees. Each cluster is unique in its purpose and function as a group, which is determined by the companies and organizations, involved in the cluster. The underlying theme for each group is to provide a forum for collective for collaboration and improving the companies’ competitive edge in their industry.

Massachusetts Environmental Compliance Network. The Central Massachusetts Environmental and Business Cluster’s mission is to share information between companies and expand knowledge about environmental health and safety issues; provide a confidential and safe forum that is non-partisan and neutral for its members; regulators (DEP and EPA for example) can attend by invitation only; and the group provide links to local resources. There are 25 companies actively involved in this network.

Massachusetts Digital Printing Initiative. The Massachusetts Digital Printing Initiative is an organization of printers and educators, whose purpose is to assist the printing industry in Massachusetts with transition to digital technology. The initiative is dedicated to making the printing industry strong and economically viable through improving the curriculum in the area schools. By working with the Worcester Public School system, the printing initiative has placed students directly into printing companies for job experience and teachers for job shadowing. There are eight schools who have partnered with 11 printers.

Manufacturing Technologies Collaborative. The Manufacturing Technology Collaborative is a group of companies who are interested in maintaining a competitive edge in their respective industries by adopting the latest technologies aimed at new product and new process development. They are industry led and unique in that they draw or pull upon readily available university and national laboratory technology that is required by its members. This is referred to as Technology Pull. The program is targeted at small and medium-sized manufacturers located in Central Massachusetts. The cluster focuses on bringing relevant and current technology to small manufacturers who typically are unaware of these developments.

Features of the cluster include:

  • Monthly advanced technology seminars where companies with cutting-edge technology can demonstrate their products.
  • Quarterly meetings with technical presentations of interest to members.
  • A bi-monthly newsletter for member companies with cutting-edge technical information and off-schedule editions of special interest.
  • Dissemination of important papers and publications.
  • Internal networking opportunities .
  • Opportunities for technology transfer and technology licensing from the national labs.
  • Opportunities for reduced rate technical assistance and access to national lab resources.
  • Access to student, faculty and staff projects at local technical universities.

In order to keep interest high among member companies and to insure the relevancy of technical programs, the overall technology collaborative will be subdivided into interest-and industry-based clusters. This grouping of technology requirements by industry sector or SIC code is also a novel approach not often found in traditional technology transfer programs.

In addition to these 3 formal clusters, the MAC is also involved with the operation of several additional company clusters: The Machining Alliance of America, Inc., and the Coalition for Venture Support.

Machining Alliance of America, Inc. The Machining Alliance of America (MAA) is a one-of-a-kind collaborative of small machine shops in the Greater Springfield area brought together by the MAC and Supplier-Based Manufacturing, Inc. (SBM). The MAA has become a viable option to large inflexible machine shops, by helping to minimize internal costs, while providing the highest quality parts, on-time and at competitive prices. Through the use of the impressive combined resources of the member complimentary companies, and a commitment to total customer satisfaction, the MAA can afford its customers large-company service at a small company cost. At the same time, the annual sales volumes of all member companies continue to grow.

Improvements for the companies to date are:

  • All members now have quality systems, whereas prior to the alliance only two companies did.
  • All companies use supplier based manufacturing as the shared resource for market and sales.
  • All companies use FRC as a shared resource for shop floor methods improvements
  • Alliances’ existing accounts between members alone increased sales by $400,000.
  • As of January 1, 1999, Frank Julian kicked off a complete marketing program. Sales have increased another $250, 000, but more importantly, the MAA is now doing work directly for the prime customer versus sub-out work from other contractors pending quotes.
  • The MAA has taken an infrastructure that is in an underutilized area of Massachusetts and put the infrastructure back into play.

Coalition for Venture Support. The mission of the Coalition for Venture Support is to take full advantage of all the assets and support services Worcester has to offer to bring about new business formation and ensure the success of existing businesses and to make sure these services are well known and work in collaboration with one another.

The coalition provides a forum through which its members can work to:

  • Reveal and take advantage of opportunities for collaboration in programs and program marketing.
  • Publicize the broad array of support services for new ventures and small business.
  • Define what more is needed to make the Worcester area a national leader in facilitating new business development.

The Companies…….

Central Massachusetts Business and Environmental Cluster

  • Allegro Microsystems
  • Madison Cable Corp.
  • Alpha-Beta Technology
  • Massachusetts Electric
  • Archer Rubber
  • Morgan Construction Company
  • Central Coatings Inc.
  • New Method Plating
  • Classic Envelope
  • Norton Company
  • Creative Paper, Inc.
  • O. S. Walker Company
  • Flexcon
  • Presmet Corp.
  • Hi-Tech Gold Plating
  • Quaboag Corp.
  • Independent Plating
  • Reed-Rico
  • J. Kittredge and Sons
  • Reliable Plating
  • Kennedy Die Castings
  • Saeilo Manufacturing
  • KomTeK
  • Wyman Gordon
  • L&J of New England

Massachusetts Digital Printing Initiative

  • Curry Printing and Copy Center
  • Mercantile Printing Co.
  • PIP Printing
  • Woodbury & Company
  • Damar Printing and Copy Center
  • American Printing & Envelope
  • Marie’s Direct Mail
  • MacDonnel Printers of Mass.
  • Van/Go Graphics
  • Saltus Press
  • LaVigne Press

Manufacturing Technologies Collaborative

  • Adriance Furniture
  • Lapoint Hudson
  • Advanced Electronic Controls
  • Master Industries, Inc.
  • Apex Engineering, Inc.
  • Native Impressions Sign
  • Architectural Timber
  • Norton & Williams Develoment Co.
  • Brookfield Tool & Die
  • Powell Flute
  • Cawley Machine & Tool
  • OmegaFlex, Inc.
  • Charles H. Baldwin & Sons
  • Ralphco
  • Crown Vantage-Adams Mills
  • Rector Press, Ltd.
  • Esleeck Manufacturing Co.
  • Roxam DSI
  • Excalibur Glassworks
  • Saeilo
  • Franklin Tool Co. Inc.
  • Simonds, Inc.
  • G& F Industries
  • Sonoco Products
  • Hallowell EMC
  • Springfield Stamp & Die
  • International Laser Systems
  • Starbase Technology
  • International Beam Welding Corp.
  • Titeflex
  • Incom
  • Tell Tool, Inc.
  • Kennedy Die Castings, Inc.
  • Temp-Pro, Inc.
  • LTM, Lutco Bearing
  • Texon, USA The Hanson Group, Ltd.

Machining Alliance of America, Inc.

  • A&D Tool Company
  • Knight Machine & Tool Company
  • B&R Machine Inc.
  • Lombardo Tool & Machine, Inc.
  • Boulevard Machine & Gear Inc.
  • Ludlow Cutter Grinding
  • Center Machine Inc.
  • Paragon Manufacturing, Inc.
  • CMG Precision
  • Shields Machine & Tool Company
  • Commercial Machine
  • SBM, Inc.

The Future…….

In a cluster, large corporations can offer smaller companies their global marketing and distribution expertise and brand recognition. In return, large corporations can learn and emulate some of the biggest advances that are coming from small entrepreneurs. In order for the community". By community, it is meant as companies, which are part of an extended business family that pools the resources and benefits of their shared location.

Companies are also finding that supply chain innovations that occur in clusters would probably not develop among companies cooperating over greater distances. For example, networking occurs during meetings of the cluster. The networking has led to a spirit of cooperation among competitors where one competitor often gives work to another that more closely can meet the specific needs of the customer. Networking has also led to sharing of business practices.

Industrial clusters are a growing trend, which has benefited many SMEs. The close proximity to a large OEM and the concentration of complimentary and competitor firms has led to an unprecedented of cooperation where all have come out winners. Clusters have not gone unnoticed among foreign firms and many are looking at clusters when concerning their relocation strategies.

The MAC has developed three unique clusters in Central Massachusetts and is working towards the development of additional clusters in Central and Western Massachusetts over the next year. The networks will work with industry clusters to make them more competitive and economically viable in this technologic age.

To discuss the information outlined in this report, please contact:

Katherine Mahoney Operations Manager
MAC 60 Prescott Street
Worcester, MA 01605 Phone: 508-831-7020
Fax: 508-831-7215 E-mail: [email protected]

The following is the Virtual Incubator Report as seen in the Manufacturing Our Future Summit 1999 Outcomes Book.

The Manufacturing Advancement Center’s Virtual Incubator®

What is the Virtual Incubator?

Typical business incubators offer start-up companies cheap space, shared office machinery and administrative assistance, hardly enough to ensure a successful endeavor. The Manufacturing Advancement Center’s Virtual Incubator is different – space is not the primary service offered. Start-up companies come with a product idea and some capital, the Virtual Incubator does the rest. At the Virtual Incubator, the resources of the Central Massachusetts Machining Alliance (CMMA), the Machining Alliance of America (MAA), Oak Ridge National Labs (ORNL), and the Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MMEP) are brought together to help a company takes its product or idea from preliminary design through process planning, final design and into production. The idea behind the Virtual Incubator is to partner the knowledge and resources of local manufacturers and manufacturing assistance groups with start up companies in order to shorten the time it takes them to get their product idea into production. This avoids all of the non-productive efforts new start-ups must deal with in attempting to put a company in place prior to having a business. In this way everyone concentrates on their core competencies, doing what they do best. New companies incur less overhead and have people with a greater skill set at lower cost allowing them to grow faster and enjoy a greater chance of business success. Conversely, existing companies become part of the new company’s supply chain and subsequently improve sales. Employment increases and the local economy benefits.

What services did the MAC’s Virtual Incubator offer?

The box outlined in dotted lines in the graphic below describes the stages in the product development process for which the MAC’s Virtual Incubator offers assistance to companies.

The specific kinds of services which the MAC’s Virtual Incubator offers are listed below:

Production/ Manufacturing Services

  • On-site contract assembly
  • Complete manufacturing services
  • Lean Manufacturing and Workforce Training
  • Technology Pull services

Final Design & Process Planning Services

  • Produce detailed drawings & specifications
  • Create workable instructions for manufacture
  • Select tooling & equipment
  • Prepare job descriptions
  • Determine operation & assembly order
  • Program automated machines

Design for Manufacture Services

  • Design a product for easy & economical production
  • Consider manufacturablity early in the design phase
  • Identify easy-to-manufacture product-design characteristics
  • Use easy to fabricate & assemble components
  • Integrate product design with process planning

Value Analysis Services

  • Assessment of value & Ratio of value/ cost
  • Value Stream Analysis – Identify and eliminate barriers to value

Design for Environment Services

  • Design from recycled material
  • Use materials which can be recycled
  • Design for ease of repair
  • Minimize packaging
  • Minimize material & energy used during manufacture, consumption & disposal

Technology in Design

  • CAD – Computer Aided Design – assists in creating and modify designs
  • CAE – Computer Aided Engineering – tests & analyzes designs on computer screen
  • CAD/ CAM – Design & Manufacturing – automatically converts CAD data into processing instructions for computer controlled equipment

Measurement of Design Quality

Companies in the MAC’s Virtual Incubator Companies currently operating in the MAC’s Virtual Incubator are described below:

Advanced Technology Products

Principles of ATP created a new high speed, direct-drive starter generator for aircraft and hybrid automobiles. Lighter, stronger, more efficient and more reliable than existing power systems, this is a commercially available advanced technology and is starting to have an impact in aircraft auxiliary power units, aircraft support equipment, high-speed compressor drives, large hybrid electric vehicles and other markets. The company has its corporate offices at the Manufacturing Advancement Center and has utlilized a number of design and business services offered by the Virtual Incubator.

Materials Innovation, Inc.

This company has developed a unique patented process that applies insulating inorganic coatings to pure iron particles. Precise control of coating thickness yields soft magnetic materials with predictable, low core losses. These materials make it possible to design electromagnetic devices with highly desirable properties such as fast response actuators and solenoids. This company has a field sales office at the Manufacturing Advancement Center and has used the resources of the Virtual Incubator to access technical assistance from experts at the Oak Ridge National Labs and to solve some problems associated with attracting an experienced workforce and dealing with issues surrounding ISO 9000 registration.

Insight Neuro-imaging Systems, Inc.

This company is involved in the design and eventual manufacture of equipment and techniques, which will significantly expand the uses, and effectiveness of neuro-imaging technology. Their product involves a small animal restraint and sensor unit, which can be used within a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine. The important feature of this unique device is that the animal can be held in the machine without anesthesia, thus allowing for the collection of much more valuable information on the action of certain drugs and compounds on the animal’s awake brain functions than was previously able to be extracted from tests on anesthetized animals. The design of the device also allows for tests which are significantly more sensitive and of higher resolution to be undertaken. The company has its corporate offices at the Manufacturing Advancement Center. As INS prepares to begin manufacturing production devices, the Virtual Incubator is helping out by providing assistance with manufacturing and design for manufacturability services offered by the MMEP and the Machining Alliance of America.


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