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TURI Publishes New Fact Sheet About Hydrogen Fluoride

The Toxic Use Reduction Institute (TURI) has just published a newly revised Fact Sheet for Hydrogen Fluoride.

Hydrogen fluoride (HF, also known as hydrofluoric acid), is extremely corrosive. Acute exposures are especially hazardous and can result in severe burns, respiratory damage, or death. Skin contact can lead to decalcification of underlying bone. Skin contact with HF may not cause immediate pain, so systemic poisoning can begin before the person is aware of the exposure.

U. S. manufacturers use HF to produce fluorocarbons and other fluorine-based chemical products. Metal pickling and etching applications are the primary end-uses for HF in Massachusetts. HF use in Massachusetts has declined over time, but it continues to be used in some applications. HF can also be generated by dissolving ammonium salts, e.g., ammonium bifluoride, in water.

Hydrogen Fluoride is designated as a Higher Hazard Substance under TURA, which lowers the reporting threshold to 1,000 lb/year, effective January 2016.

Here’s what you need to know:

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