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SURVEY: MassTLC Grant Matches Entrepreneurs to Local Suppliers

To participate in this innovative new program, please complete the appropriate survey:

MassTLC, in collaboration with MassRobotics and MassMEP, was awarded a grant from MassDevelopment’s Advanced Manufacturing Futures Fund Program to facilitate growth and competitiveness in the field of manufacturing.  We are exploring the needs of robotics startups, scaling companies, and manufacturers, in order to establish a program to communicate best practices for these communities to work collaboratively. We are also working to create a network for commercializing innovation and converting start-ups and scale-ups to Massachusetts manufacturers. We are beginning by mapping current established and startup robotics companies to Massachusetts supply chain and manufacturing resources.

SURVEY: MassTLC Grant Matches Entrepreneurs to Local Suppliers

Our objective is to foster a culture of collaboration between local suppliers and manufacturers and the robotics and IoT community that will continue well beyond the completion of this initial program.  Additionally, through local commercialization of robotic and IoT systems and associated automation technologies, we will help provide a significant manufacturing advantage throughout Massachusetts.

The objectives will be accomplished in several phases, beginning with a survey of robotics companies followed by interviews to understand needs and readiness to manufacture.  In addition, we will be reaching out to manufacturers to learn their areas of expertise and hosting seminars on automation and collaborative robotics systems. The program will culminate with matchmaking activities.

We are targeting companies of varying degrees of status and size and urge all of our followers to fill out this survey to help us get started. It will take 15-20 minutes. 

Thank you in advance for your time and support.

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