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Workforce Strategies

Lampin Helps Mass Educators Inspire Students to "Reach for the Stars"

By Jay Milender, Director of Sales, Lampin Corporation

The skills gap is a frequent topic of discussion among manufacturers in Massachusetts. How detrimental will the gap be to the manufacturing industry in the Northeast? What kind of solutions should industry leaders pursue to help close it off? What can educators do to motivate young students to explore manufacturing as a stable and lucrative career?

The employee-owners at Lampin Corporation, a producer of precision-machined components based in Uxbridge, Massachusetts, have asked themselves the same questions and stepped forward with a clear commitment to finding solutions.

Funding Innovative Lessons in Engineering and Manufacturing
Lampin has chosen to invest in the future of manufacturing by providing yearly donations to the Blackstone Valley Education Foundation (BVEF) in the form of Lampin Grants. The donations must be awarded to educators in the member school districts who propose innovative projects that connect technology and creative learning. The Lampin Grants have been used in a variety of exciting educational exercises that connect students with manufacturing and engineering.

Recently, the students at Douglas Middle School were able to communicate directly with astronauts—while the astronauts were in space. "The Lampin Grant that allowed our students to speak face-to-face with astronauts 230 miles above Earth has inspired students to reach for the stars," said Beverly Bachelder, principal of Douglas Middle School. "We truly appreciate partnering with Lampin to help create the next generation of scientists and engineers."

At the Blackstone-Millville Regional High School, students are learning about the engineering design process, computer-aided drafting, and manufacturing and assembly techniques thanks to grant support from Lampin. Students studying manufacturing and machine technology at Blackstone Valley Tech are using knee-powered feed assemblies that were funded by a Lampin Grant. Meanwhile, students at the Grafton and Milford high schools will be gaining first-hand experience with 3D printing technology thanks to Lampin Grants awarded to each school.

The kinds of experiences with advanced technology that these grants provide to young students are invaluable. Kids who may not have considered themselves capable of working with machines and advanced mechanical concepts can see first-hand the amazing opportunities that a career in engineering and manufacturing can provide. By making these funds available, Lampin enables educators to show their students a whole new world of possibilities. The students are also able to consider careers they may have otherwise dismissed due to misconceptions about the industry.

Investing in the Future
The BVEF serves as a vital link between local businesses and eleven public school districts. Their mission is to facilitate collaboration between schools and businesses to help develop the future workforce. The Lampin Grants have proven to be a huge benefit to educators and students within the BVEF sphere of influence.

For the employee-owners of Lampin Corporation, the educational grants are more than an investment in the future. They’re an investment in a community they are proud to call home.

"We became a leader in the custom machining industry because of our expert machinists who were educated in the Blackstone Valley and who now live here with their families," said Lampin president, Bill DeBenedetto. "By investing in the education foundation, we want to show that we care deeply about our students and their future promise for the valley."

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