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Workforce Strategies

MassMEP Graduates 13 for Careers in Manufacturing

The recent graduation of 13 participants in the MassMEP’s Advanced CNC Training was the 11th training funded through the Massachusetts More Skilled Workers Program grant program. The 13 graduates spent eight weeks participating in an intensive classroom and hands-on curriculum to prepare for jobs as CNC operators. MassMEP’s training model combines classroom, simulation, and hands-on training to build job-ready skills. Additionally, students are provided work readiness skills that are critical in order to secure and retain employment in today’s manufacturing.

The training program is supported by Rep. John Fernandes, Chair, Joint Committee on the Judiciary, and Chair, House Manufacturing Caucus. The graduation was attended by Representatives Donahue and McKenna; they handed out House citations to the graduates along with their coursework certificates.

Since developing the training program, designed to meet the demands of Massachusetts manufacturers, MassMEP has graduated over 700 students in CNC training with a total placement rate of 90% upon graduation.  The training program has developed a pipeline within the manufacturing community of providing skilled workers who are prepared for CNC operator careers.

"We created this training based on the demand we heard from employers," stated Ted Bauer, Director Workforce Development Strategies, MassMEP. The training is rigorous and expectations of the participants mirror those of an employer. MassMEP supplies the companies with work-ready employees and the training program provides the candidates with training for them to find careers and earn a sustainable living wage."

"Prior to this current class starting, a company contacted MassMEP and wanted to be creative in filling their skills gap," stated Bauer. "They had a candidate who they would have considered hiring, if he had proper CNC experience. The company contacted MassMEP and worked with the candidate so that he could attend the full-time training program and work part-time in order to support himself during the training. This was an innovative, win-win situation for both the client and the student."

During the course work, comments heard from the students included:

  • "This training changed my life."
  • "I am going to carry this whole program with me years from now – not just the next job."
  • "There are so many skills that you learn in this program – that make you a better person overall."

The Massachusetts More Skilled Workers Program is a three-phase training strategy to prepare and place individuals in manufacturing jobs and position them along a career pathway that would culminate in certificates or degrees. The Massachusetts More Skilled Workers Program is funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration.

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