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Host a Plant Tour on Manufacturing Day 2013: October 4th

Manufacturing Day 2013 is Thursday, October 4. This is a day set aside to recognize manufacturing and its impact on the United States. As an MEP center, MassMEP is soliciting organizations and companies to participate in Manufacturing Day by hosting a plant tour and register them on the Manufacturing Day web site,  check it out… www.mfgday.com

Manufacturers, educational institutions, and others are encouraged to host events that will highlight the importance of manufacturing to the nation’s economy and draw attention to the many rewarding high-skill jobs in manufacturing fields.

The effort is co-produced by the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International (FMA), the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), The Manufacturing Institute and the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP). Industrial Strength Marketing, a Nashville area marketing agency specializing in marketing services for the manufacturing sector, has joined the effort as a guest producer for the 2013 event.

In its first year, more than 240 events were held in manufacturing facilities in 37 states and more than 7,000 people participated. This year’s celebration will feature open houses, public tours, career workshops, and other activities to increase public awareness of modern manufacturing. Events also will introduce manufacturers to business improvement resources and services delivered through the MEP’s network of hundreds of affiliated centers across the country.

"Manufacturing Day is a great opportunity to shift Americans’ perception that it is not our grandfather’s manufacturing anymore and to showcase the tremendous career opportunities manufacturing has to offer," said NAM President and CEO Jay Timmons. "This day is an engaging way to attract young people and get them excited about pursuing a career in a technology-driven, innovative environment that will also provide a good-paying job. We encourage all manufacturers and manufacturing associations to get involved and share what we already know—manufacturing makes us strong."

"Manufacturing Day is a great opportunity to celebrate work and innovation of the 12 million men and women who make the United States the world’s largest manufacturing economy," said Ed Youdell, president and CEO of the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association.

"Manufacturing Day provides a focused point in time each year when all manufacturers in America can collaborate to bring attention to this crucial sector of the economy and celebrate their accomplishments," said Jennifer McNelly, president of The Manufacturing Institute. "This celebration of manufacturing is a chance for all of the great manufacturers who ‘Make it in America’ to show their value to their communities," said Roger Kilmer, director, Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP).

To learn more about Manufacturing Day, log on to www.mfgday.com, where those wishing to host events will find resources to help them prepare. Visitors to the site also will find an interactive map showing where Manufacturing Day events are planned.