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The Future of American Engineering
Engineering Week Dinner

WPI – Higgins House
Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Gretar Tryggvason, Ph.D.
Professor and Dept. Head, Industrial Engineering at WPI
Dr. Tryggvason will discuss the current changes of increased Engineering Enrollments at WPI and across the country, as well as demands for engineers.

Kenneth McGuire
Director of Manufacturing Services
MeetChinaBiz and Manufacturing Advancement Center
Mr. McGuire will speak on how manufacturing in this country must change in order to compete, and what type of manufacturing will move off shore.

Michael P McGee
Director of Technology
Title: Meeting the Challenges of the Accelerated Product Development Cycle

Today’s dynamic business environment presents great challenges to the product devleopment process. It is not uncommon to see a product designed in one location, developed in a second, and manufactured in a third, forth and even fifth. At the same time many of the major OEM’s are movign toward an "outsourcing" strategy, choosing to focus moreon branding and innovation of their core business and cotnracting more traditional elements of products development to their key partners and suppliers.

For additional details and registration information, please contact Kathie Mahoney at 508-831-7020 or email – .


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