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Workforce Development

STEM Initiatives (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)

Seeking Industry Professionals for “Industry Insights”
STEMPower, the Mid-Massachusetts STEM Pathways Initiative, works collaboratively with a broad cross-section of businesses, community-based organizations and education and training partners to reach its goal of increasing the pipeline of displaced workers, veterans, and disadvantaged youth into STEM careers. This program is focused primarily on Advanced Manufacturing, Biotechnology, Renewable Energy and Aerospace sectors.

As STEMPower evolves and grows, we look for ways to innovate and provide essential services based on client and stakeholder feedback. One of the most common requests from our jobseekers seeking new roles and careers in STEM-related industries revolves around more in-depth industry information about the industry itself, workplace etiquette and culture, best ways to network and make contacts, most important information to get across on the resume and other questions. We are organizing 30- 45 minute conference calls with industry representatives providing a Q&A format to jobseekers that call in. The calls will be made available to STEMPower participants who will sign up in advance of the call. We need your help! If you are interested in sharing your industry knowledge on a conference call, please contact STEM Project Director, Lisa Derby Oden, at 508-751-7575 or [email protected]. We are also interested in professionals with focused skills that would also like to share their experiences on similar conference calls. Examples might include Lean, Quality Control etc. We are open to your ideas here as well.

To learn how to become involved in the program as an employer, mentor, advisory council member, or on, contact STEM Coordinator [email protected] . Mid-Massachusetts STEM Pathways Initiative is sponsored in part by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. The program is an equal opportunity program.

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