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China Corner

Conference on China at WPI – Register by April 30 and receive a $50 discount

How can Massachusetts Small and Mid-Market Enterprises (SMEs) learn about and take advantage of the current opportunities for their businesses in China? 

Attend the May 7th Conference on China@WPI and find out. 

Organized by the US-China Link Initiative and sponsored by the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), the Massachusetts Manufacturing Advancement Center (MAC), and the Associated Industries of Massachusetts–International Business Council (AIM-IBC), the all-day conference will feature WPI’s innovative program for sending teams of undergraduate engineering students to China to work on business problems for US companies operating there.  The program simultaneously brings tangible solutions to the US company sponsors and imparts knowledge of Chinese business operations and practices to students—adding international value to the region’s employees of tomorrow while finding practical solutions for today’s challenges.   

Area companies can utilize WPI’s program to facilitate existing Chinese business operations or to conduct feasibility and market studies for entry into China.  Current sponsors—including Nypro and Amphenol—of WPI China student teams along with faculty advisors will share their experiences on conducting business in China and speak to the effectiveness of WPI’s program.   Experts from the Massachusetts Office of International Trade and Investment (MOITI) and an official from the Chinese government, as well as experienced consultants, will offer perspectives from both the Chinese and US sides with insights on current and future opportunities available in China for small- and mid-market-sized US manufacturers. 

For more information and the conference program, please visit the conference website: .  Registration for the conference can be completed at
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