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Next Generation Manufacturing Award Press Release

AIM, MassMEP & RSM McGladrey Announce Creation of Next Generation Manufacturing Award 

At the March 12th Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM) Executive Forum, featuring Senate President Therese Murray at the Waltham Westin Hotel, AIM’s Manufacturing Institute, the Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MassMEP), and RSM McGadery, Inc. announced the launch of a Next Generation Manufacturing Award to recognize those manufactures who have taken steps to position their operations to compete successfully in the 21st Century.

The Next Generation Manufacturing (NGM) movement was spawned by the results of an in-depth national survey of more than 2,500 manufacturers, including firms in the Bay State, and refers to a framework of essential strategies that if implemented will position firms to effectively compete and grow in the global marketplace during the 21st Century. These NGM strategies will also serve as criteria for the NGM award, including:

 * Customer-focused innovation: Deliver new and better customer solutions at a faster pace than the competition

 * Advanced talent management: Secure a competitive performance advantage by having superior systems in place to recruit, hire, develop and retain talent       

 * Systemic continuous improvement: Record annual productivity and quality gains that exceed competition through a company wide commitment to continuous improvement

 * Extended enterprise management: Leverage a flexible network of supply chains and partnerships to provide competitive advantages of speed, cost and quality   

 * Sustainable product and process development: Design and implement waste and energy-use reductions at a level that provides superior cost performance and recognizes customer value

 * Global engagement: Secure business advantages through people, partnerships and systems capable of engaging global markets, talents and resources

 The NGM Award survey questionnaire is online at and . Upon initial review of submitted questionnaires, onsite visits will be scheduled to clarify submitted data. After which, qualifying candidates will be asked to complete additional information. 

Winners of the AIM Manufacturing Institute & MassMEP Next Generation Manufacturing Award will be announced in November.

 For More Information Contact:

Jack Healy, Director of Operations
Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Phone: (508) 831-7020 E-mail: [email protected]

MassMEP is a statewide nonprofit entrepreneurial organization that provides manufacturing extension services to the Commonwealth’s 10,000 existing small and emerging and medium size manufacturing enterprises (SME’s), and is affiliated with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Manufacturing Extension Partnership and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor & Workforce Development. 

Brian Gilmore, Executive Vice President-Public Affairs
Associated Industries of Massachusetts
Phone: (617) 262-1180 E-mail: [email protected]

Chartered in 1915, AIM is the largest nonprofit, nonpartisan association of Massachusetts employers. AIM’s mission is to promote the well-being of its members and their employees and the prosperity of the Commonwealth by improving the economic climate of the Commonwealth, proactively advocating fair and equitable public policy, and to provide relevant, reliable information and excellent   

Larry Buchsbaum, Director of Marketing
RSM McGladrey, Inc.
Phone: 617-279-2848 E-mail [email protected]

RSM McGladrey is one of the largest US professional services firms with over 90 national offices offering accounting, tax and business consulting to manufacturing, distribution and wholesalers from emerging through growth companies. Our 200 Boston Office professionals are proud to sponsor the NGM Award to further demonstrate our commitment to manufacturing excellence. McGladery differentiates itself from other smaller and larger firms by providing hands on, professional services from senior managing directors and coordinated resources locally, nationally and globally through our international offices in 70 countries.

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