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Health Insurance Webinars Help You Control Expenses

Do you know how many "widgets" you need to produce and sell in order to pay for the annual increase in your Company’s health Insurance? Join our Monthly Health Insurance webinars and take control of your day-to-day health care expenses.

Far too often, companies take for granted their health insurance premium increase and on many occasions, we have heard employers say that they feel "fortunate" to receive only a 5%, a 10%, or even a 15% cost increase. We are thankful for this small increase from a company that imposed a rate increase the previous year, the year before, and generally several years prior. 

What can you do to change this? You are the customer and can impact your health insurance premiums. 

  • Do nothing and accept the increases year after year.
  • Accept the renewal with the hope that either the Federal or the State Government will eventually do something to aid small businesses.
  • Become an educated consumer and approach purchasing healthcare the same as you would other vital tangible and intangible materials to run your business.

EBS Foran Group delivers educational programs that will ultimately help you become a better consumer of medical insurance for your Employee population. The webinars will be offered on the first Wednesday of every month and last for an hour in length. The presentation component of the webinar is 45 minutes with 15 minutes for a question and answer session. Building on a foundation of more basic information from the first session, subsequent sessions will focus on proven cost-saving techniques with real-life examples.

Session Dates:

  • Wednesday, March 4 – Topic: Health Insurance Fundamentals, Trends, and Responses
  • Wednesday, April 1 – Topic: Proven Cost-Saving Strategies I – The Importance of Sound Underwriting and the Basics of Consumer-Driven Health Care (CDHC)
  • Wednesday, May 6 – Topic: CDHC in the Real World – More Effective Use of FSAs and HRAs
  • Wednesday, June 3 – Topic: CDHS in the Real World- HSAs and Deciding Among the Options

To register, please e-mail Jack Dolan, Esq. of EBS Foran at [email protected].

Join us, or designate a representative of your company, on Wednesday, March 4 at 12:00 noon for the first of these informational webinars and become a more educated consumer regarding your health insurance. We realize the challenges facing Manufacturers today are many and that health care oftentimes is put on the "back burner" because of the immediacy of other day-to-day business pressures.  However, the cost implications of doing nothing with respect to your employee health benefits procurement cannot be over stated. We are offering an opportunity for you to protect the integrity of the benefits you offer your employees to the greatest extent possible but within cost affordable means. 

EBS Foran Group
(508) 385-5135


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