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Summit to Explore Manufacturing Workforce Issues in NH

Critical issues surrounding the state’s future manufacturing workforce will be the focus of the Governor’s Fifth Annual Advanced Manufacturing and High Technology Summit, to be held December 18, 2022 in Concord, NH.

The half-day event, which will run from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord, will focus on the special workforce needs of manufacturing and on exploring ways manufacturers can work with education leaders and economic development practitioners to cultivate the manufacturing workforce of the future.

Gov. John Lynch, a former chief executive of office furniture manufacturer Knoll Inc., will deliver introductory remarks. A manufacturing roundtable discussion will follow with education experts from the University System of New Hampshire, the state’s Community College System and the New Hampshire Department of Education, who will identify challenges and opportunities for connections between the manufacturing and educational communities.

Participants can choose to take part in two of four workshops, led by manufacturing and high-tech company professionals, addressing various facets of workforce development in manufacturing, including:

  • Continuous Improvement in a Job Shop Environment
  • Workforce Development: Building the Talent Pipeline
  • Training Within Industry: Job Instruction
  • Meeting the Challenge: Strategies for Developing Our Manufacturing Workforce

During lunch, Eric Mittelstadt, chief executive of the National Council for Advanced Manufacturing, will deliver the keynote address, titled "Making the Manufacturing Workforce a National Priority."

The event is presented by the Business and Industry Association, New Hampshire Manufacturing Extension Partnership, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, and the New Hampshire High Technology Council. Program sponsors are More Effective Consulting and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. New Hampshire Business Review is media sponsor.

Cost to attend is $75. To register, call 603-224-5388, ext. 116 or visit


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