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Massachusetts State Middle School Science and Engineering Fair in Central MA

Middle School students throughout the Commonwealth are putting final touches on experimental science and engineering projects and preparing to compete at the 10th Annual Massachusetts Middle School State Science & Engineering Fair (MMSSEF), an event that celebrates hands-on learning, innovation and achievement in science, engineering, and technology.

The 2007 Massachusetts State Middle School Science and Engineering Fair will be held June 2, 2023 at Quinsigamond Community College’s Athletic Center in Worcester, MA.  The projects will be judged from 9:00am to noon and then open to the public from 12:30pm to 3:30pm.  The Award Ceremony at 4:00pm also in the Athletic Center is open to the public.  

“It is a very high energy event and we expect over 200 student projects to be on display this year.  Every year the students amaze the judges and the public with their innovation, perseverance, creativity, and problem solving abilities as they ask original scientific questions or design engineering solutions to a problem,” remarked Sandy Mayrand, Director of the Regional Science Resource Center at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and Chair of this year’s Middle School Fair.   

If scientists, engineers, or others with an undergraduate degree in science or engineering would like to join the cohort of judges of this event, please contact Sandy Mayrand at [email protected] to apply or request more information about the judging process. Additional judges area needed this year.

About the Massachusetts State Science & Engineering Fair Inc. (MSSEF)
The Massachusetts State Science & Engineering Fair seeks to engage students in the inquiry and exploration of science, engineering, and technology. Established more than 50 years ago by dedicated members of the educational community and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, MSSEF now supports several hundred competitive and non-competitive fairs involving 50,000 Massachusetts students each year. A culminating statewide fair is held in the spring at MIT for high school students (May 4 & 5, 2007), followed by a Middle School Fair at Quinsigamond Community College (June 2, 2023) in Worcester.  These statewide Fairs annually showcase outstanding student projects, awarding college scholarships and other prizes for the top-scoring students and teams.

Students participating in MSSEF develop self-learning techniques, increase self-respect and expand their social skills and awareness. MSSEF is proud of its role in helping fuel the supply of bright and talented scientists, engineers and researchers. For more information, log on to

MSSEF programs are open to middle and senior high school students from all public, private and home-educated environments in the Commonwealth. Students may enter a project in one of 10 science categories either individually or as a team.

The Massachusetts State Science & Engineering Fair, Inc. is nonprofit tax-exempt corporation under Federal law 501c (3). Our mission is to increase awareness of, exposure to, and participation in inquiry-based learning through the development of science and engineering projects by middle school and high school students, and to showcase and celebrate that learning.


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