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Electronics in the Fall 2006 Semester
Quinsigamond Community College 

Register now!  Call 508-854-4308
Fall Semester meets September 6—December 19, 2006

ELT 103-01 Electronics I – 4 credits
F 8:00AM – 1:50PM (includes lab)

The Instructor: Adrian Comeaux is a professor of electronics and computer information systems at QCC.

The Class:  Introduces the basics of electronics. Students construct and learn how to troubleshoot circuits using a variety of test equipment, and analyze a variety of circuit configurations using experimental and mathematical techniques.

Prereq: ENG 100 Introduction to English Composition and MAT 099 Intermediate Algebra (or equivalents)

ELT 104-50 Electronics II – 4 credits
M 5:00-9:50PM (includes lab)

The Instructor: Gerry Cronin is an electrical engineer with over 25 years experience in product manufacturing and management in industry, and is currently employed by SatCon Technology. He has taught courses in electronics and mathematics at QCC for many years. He holds an M.B.A. and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from WPI, and a B.S. in Marine Engineering from the Mass. Maritime Academy.

The Class:  Examines theoretical and practical electronics, solid state fundamentals, transistors, power supplies, amplification systems, oscillators, pulse generators, etc. Students learn the behavior of electronic control devices and construct amplifiers and circuits involving control devices.

Prereq: ELT 103 Electronics I (or equivalent)


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