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Benthos Goes Lean: Company Reduces Inventory, Frees up Cash, Increases Revenue Per Employee

On May 2, 2005, Benthos, Inc. of Falmouth, MA hosted another in the continuing series of the Massachusetts MEP Lean Roundtable sessions. Over 40 people attended this half-day educational forum to network and learn from other Lean practitioners about successful Lean implementations, both at Benthos and at other firms.

Ron Marsiglio, CEO of Benthos (Figure 1) led off the meeting by detailing the effects of Lean on his business. Lean has had a substantial impact on the firm over the last three years, including:

  • Inventory reduction of 43%, from $6.0 to $3.4 million dollars.
  • Increased building layout efficiency, resulting in the sale of a building which freed up $1.3 million in cash.
  • Reduction of their supply chain by 77% and increase in material efficiencies by focusing on New England vendors.
  • A 9% increase in revenue per employee.

Benthos provided detailed presentations and a plant tour on the company’s oceanographic and commercial bottling inspection product lines and their efforts to implement Lean. The Roundtable attendees engaged in a spirited round of questions and observations about their own experiences and how they relate to Benthos. Glenn Gertridge, Project Manager from the MassMEP, also spoke of a new and exciting plant layout process that allows companies to logically plan their manufacturing line layouts in a quantifiable manner.

Rick Martin, Benthos, talks about the Benthos product line and how they implemented Lean.

Glenn, on behalf of MassMEP, presented a plaque to Benthos as thanks for their hosting of the Lean Roundtable and in recognition of their tremendous accomplishments from implementing Lean principles at their facility.

For more information about the next Lean Roundtable, contact Kathie Mahoney at the MassMEP, e-mail: .


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