SupplyPoint, the MEP’s database of manufacturers, is up and running.
Over 1800 Massachusetts firms have joined SupplyPoint. There is always
room for more. As more manufacturers add their own unique capabilities
to SupplyPoint, the value as a resource to the nation, the region, OEMs,
and to the members themselves increases.
The Department of Defense is recognizing the value of having one "go
to" place when working the issue of diminished suppliers on certain
systems. The MassMEP is leading an initiative to position SupplyPoint
as the resource of choice to combat obsolescence for DOD. Along with
the recognition of the resource, DOD is aware of the value of procuring
weapons systems components domestically, providing access to manufacturing
capacity not subject to shifting international relationships. New England
manufacturers will always support the American war fighters!
Calls into the New England MEP’s are coming looking for sources. Project
Managers are actively seeking manufacturers of several types of components.
Simultaneously, the MEP DOD staff searches daily for opportunities for
firms to enter the supply chain of the DOD, either as a contractor,
part of a team of smaller businesses, or as a subcontractor. Regardless
of how the entry is made, some company is going to see an increase in
business coming it’s way. Shouldn’t that company be yours? It very could
be, if you are registered in SupplyPoint.
Remember, access to SupplyPoint is available via the MassMEP web site:
Just click on the Supply Chain Initiative to enter SupplyPoint.