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Global Competitiveness Seminar
Leading the Change – Lean Collaborative  

Wednesday, April 20, 2023
8:00 – 11:30 a.m.
National Grid
Westborough Corporate Office
25 Research Drive, Westborough, MA

Register: Call (617) 262-1180 or online at 

Many manufacturers and service providers alike have started down the path to continual improvement using the Just in Time or Quality Management Systems of years ago to the more recent concepts of Lean Manufacturing or Six Sigma. According to a recent survey conducted by the Lean Enterprise Institute, 67% of its members are planning to or have started a lean pilot within their organizations

Taking a page from the annals of Weight Watchers or even Alcoholics Anonymous, it has been proven that “going it alone” does not have the best track record for success. Learn what it takes to be part of a collaborative approach to implementing and more importantly sustaining lean where lean concepts are learned, experiences are shared and the resulting lean implementations are sustained because those who participate support themselves. In this information session:

  • Learn how you can gain the competitive edge in the marketplace with an Introduction to Lean Principles. The elimination of waste can occur in all processes within your business environment,
  • See the benefits of using the Value Stream Management System – a systematic approach to identifying current state and future state process flows
  • Experience the impact of permanently resolving ongoing problems through Team Involvement Problem Solving.
  • Realize the immediate impact of these improvements which now are incorporated into your processes with Kaizen Event Methodologies.

The collaborative approach to sustaining a lean environment is a proven methodology that was started years ago with the implementation of ISO based Quality Management Systems. Ongoing peer support is the key to achieving and sustaining a lean implementation that will generate the ongoing return on your investment which goes right to your bottom line.


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