60 Prescott Street
Worcester MA  01605

Manufacturing Skills Program

An Initiative of the Manufacturing Advancement Center

This curriculum is offered as an intensive 120 hours program designed to assess, prepare, and/or qualify individuals for successful jobs in the manufacturing sector.  The MAC, Manufacturing Advancement Center, offers customized training of the basic skills requirements for manufacturing.  The MAC has tailored these courses for local manufacturers that identify and amplify those skills found deficient within their respective incumbent workforces.


Instruction Methods

Handouts Demonstrations Lectures Workbooks Field Trips
Visual aides and Videos Classroom discussion Classroom exercises
Hands-on Practices

Course Content

Introduction to Manufacturing:

This topic deals with how a manufacturing business works, what makes a successful business, and how a business stays successful.

Manufacturing Terminology:

Key words used in manufacturing, including the latest jargon regarding processes and equipment.  Explanation of some of the tactical departments in manufacturing and their roles.

Computers, Etc.:

A hands-on demonstration of the use of computers in manufacturing, along with a description of the available software.

Plant Safety and Industrial Hygiene:

This topic is a preliminary review of safety issues that the employee will be exposed to in a manufacturing environment.

Basic Shop Math:

This course presents a review as well as an introduction to the basic math requirements for survival in the manufacturing workplace.

Measurement and Quality:

The course explores the use of various inspection tools, equipment and fixtures, and provides an introduction to Statistical Process Control and ISO 9000.

Communications Skills:

Reading, writing, presentation skills, listening skills as they relate to manufacturing.

Teaming Concepts:

The course will provide a general overview of several tools and techniques to aid in group problem solving.

Manufacturing Documentation:

What is it?
Why do we need it?
Where does it come from?

Vestibule Skills Training:

Proper dress, personal hygiene, interviewing skills, attitude, initiative, punctuality, and accountability will be addressed.

Basic Problem Solving:

The course will provide an introduction to several tools and techniques to aid in practical problem solving.

Basic Shop Drawing Interpretation:

This course will deal with basic dimensions and tolerances, drafting concepts and blueprint reading.


Successful completion of this course will be validated by a test procedure at the conclusion of the program.

For additional information on the

Manufacturing Skills Program
contact:  Dick Parkinson
Technical Training Manager
60 Prescott Street
Worcester, MA  01605
[email protected]


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